
How to Lose Weight, Block Sugar, Boost Your Immune System and Energize Your Body Naturally with Ludaxx

What is L-Arabinose?

With the recent introduction of Ludaxx and their All Natural Sugar Blocker F21, there have been many people searching for L-Arabinose, what it is, is it all natural and how does it help block sugar.

L-Arabinose a Pectin Sugar is a monosaccharide widely existing in plants. The L-Arabinose in Ludaxx F21 is derived from corn husks turning a waste product  into something useful and beneficial, Ludaxx carries a twenty year patent on this process.

L-Arabinose is approved to be used as a safe food additive by the United States Food and Drug Administration and Japan.  (ASP Fully up-to-date toxicology information has been sought )

L-Arabinose is a non-calorie natural compound sweetener, US Medical Association approves the use of L-Arabinose as the nutritional supplements or non-prescription drugs for anti-obesity. Japan approves L-Arabinose to be the special health-care food additive for adjusting blood sugar.

Because of its  similarity to glucose, L-arabinose interferes at molecular level with the  pathways through which glucose is metabolised by the body, thus slowing down  the speed at which we burn glucose. When the process of burning glucose is slowed down, energy is  released over a longer period, and blood-sugar is regulated in a natural way  meaning that your body does not have to pump out masses of insulin over a short  period to cope with the rush of sugar.

Clearly this has implications for anybody with blood-sugar  regulation problems, whether it is that they are putting on weight and getting  other health problems as a result, or whether they are getting the health  problems and putting on weight as a result. It is often impossible to know  which way round the problems happen – but we do know that diet and  sugar-balance is very much involved, and we know that when people develop  Diabetes or even pre-Diabetes symptoms, other health problems develop alongside  them.

The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition

According to the World Health Organization, a diabetes epidemic is ongoing; >250 million people worldwide have diabetes, and by 2025 this total is expected to increase to >380 million people. Type 2 diabetes is responsible for 90–95% of the cases. This highlights the importance of developing new strategies in the fight against diabetes, prevention, and delay of the disease.  A healthy lifestyle with changes in diet and an increased physical activity level is the most important and sustainable strategy. However, other novel strategies may be additive, such as the one suggested in the current study, wherein the addition of l-arabinose to a sugar beverage was shown to reduce postprandial blood glucose fluctuations. Additional studies are needed explore whether the same results are obtainable in other food matrixes and to explore the long-term health consequences. (

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4 thoughts on “What is L-Arabinose?

  1. Carl Cooper on said:

    I am interrested in your company. I am also married to a very health consciense female. A flag went up for her about the L-Arabinose being made from corn husk. can you tell me if the sourse of corn husk is non-GMO? Thank you. Carl Cooper 912-264-8183.

    • Hi Carl, I’m sorry that I took so long to get back to you. I have so many online marketing tools that I have neglected this one until today. All of our products are grown naturally and with the extraction of L-Arabinose from corn husks being patent pending they don’t really go into to much detail, but we have been assured that all the processes are safe and like I said, natural. All of our products carry the GMP stamp and are made from the highest quality products. I myself have been taking all three products, the F21, PEARL, and the KonLi Tea for about 3 months now and I have never felt better, had more energy and I’m super excited to be able to share this with my family and friends. I lost my grandfather to cancer and diabetes last year and I wish more than anything that these products were available then. Please feel free to call me with any questions you may have, my name is Nicole 772-626-8385 you can also find more information on the website have a wonderful day!!!

  2. Shannon on said:

    I am really interested in Ludaxx and would like to get some information and pricing. I am very interested in possibly start Ludaxx. Anything you could send me would be appreciated. Thank you!

    • Hi Shannon,

      I am sorry this took so long I have so many social media pages that it is hard to keep up with. If you would like to check out my website or you can even give me a call at 772-626-8385 I would be happy to go over some things with you. It is a great company and the products are amazing!! I look forward to talking with you soon Nicole 🙂

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